Part 17: Emmeryn - Preparation
Chapter 9: Emmeryn
Music: Job Change
Donny will get the first Second Seal, switching to a highly balanced Mercenary unit.
So Donny goes from a middling member of the team to having more total Strength than Chrom, one of the highest defenses in the team, and being one of the fastest. The Villager class was holding Donny back
Donny gains the Armthrift ability, which is great for someone like Donny who will literally never not grow Luck with Aptitude. He loses Lances, but Swords are a good deal for him against upcoming Wyvern Riders.
For thanks to the thread being so active (And mostly because it was obvious Donny was getting the first Seal), I'm going to dig into the Renown rewards to fish out another Second Seal.
Frederick loses a lot of stats, especially defense, but not so much that he's ineffective. More importantly, he gains EXP like a regular basic character, gaining 30 EXP on kills instead of maybe 12 at best.
He does gain Str+2 to make up for the loss of the Great Knight's base.
Lissa gains a whole lot more durability and a lot of strength, matching Chrom. That's more of an insult to Chrom.
She gains Axes to hit back at people.
We go shopping for some Tonics. 3 Speed, 3 Strength, and 3 Def Tonics for the upcoming mission. We also get some Javelins just in case.
Let's rescue Emmeryn now!
Not only did you NOT confirm that the Ylissean party carries the Fire Emblem...But you can't be certain Prince Chrom is even among them? ...Is that the gist of it?
Y-yes, milady! The air was thick with sand-even their number was difficult to ascertain.
Perhaps if you had gotten close, Captain. Here, let me show you...
*stab noise*
N-no! I'm sorry, I-Huargh!
Do try not to kill ALL the soldiers, my dear. We'll need a few for the welcoming party. The Ylisseans will be here soon- Chrom and the Emblem among them, I'm sure.
That bleeding-heart prince would never put good sense before his sister!
...And when they arrive?
It will be a massacre worthy of their legendary father!
*Cut to the Shepherds*
The exalt is to be executed at the castle on the morrow. I heard it from the king's own lips, sire.
This is it, then.
Exactly as you predicted, Robin.
So far, yes. But tomorrow will be the true test...
Chin up, there! Show some confidence! It's your thinking that's got us this far. The plan is risky, but only as much is called for.
We'll find a way to see it through, Robin. Don't worry. This time tomorrow, we'll be swapping stories with Emm on the road home.
I hope you're right.
*Meanwhile in..somewhere*
Events will soon be back on course.
Ha ha, yes. I should never have doubted the truth of your words. The yoke of destiny cannot be cast off! Even as they resist, they write your future withe very step, O great one!
*Robin suddenly awakes from sleep*
Robin? Hey, Robin! What's wrong? Was it a nightmare?
Is...that what it was? Y-yes, it must have been...I'm sorry, what brings you here, Lissa? Was there something you needed?
Frederick says it's time to march. And we can't start the plan without our master tactician!
*At the Execution Area*
So uh...when they said morrow, they meant the
bone marrow of a giant dragon's corpse?
Your anticipation electrifies the air!
We ALL remember the crimes of Ylisse...Would you have their witch-queen answer for them? Here? Today? NOW? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! Finally, we will have JUSTICE!
EXECUTIONER! If you would be so kind...
I've got him!
Flavia just threw a hand axe like 200 feet up, bulls-eye.
The area between us and the lower part of the map is desert. Fliers and Mages are the only ones to go unhindered (Nowi counts as as land unit).
Voting time. Pick 3 characters from this list:
Small vote this time, so voting will end in about less than a day.
Characters already selected:
Chrom, Lissa, Robin, Cordelia, Sumia, Donny, Nowi, Gregor, Frederick